National Preparedness Month and What SERVPRO is Doing for it
9/1/2021 (Permalink)
As August ends, we can now set our eyes to National Preparedness Month! Every September is National Preparedness Month, where the entire nation raises awareness about preparing for a disaster that can happen anywhere and anytime. What is SERVPRO doing for National Preparedness Month? Each week there will be a theme with a total of 4 themes in September. The themes include: “Make a plan”, “Build a Kit”, “Prepare For Disasters”, and “Teach Youth About Preparedness”. Each theme will give you instructions on what is the best way to prepare you and your family for a disaster. What about Commercial buildings? What about your company’s safety? Look no further with SERVPRO’s Emergency Ready Plan. With this plan it will give you, your residents, and SERVPRO the knowledge to prevent as much damage as possible. If you would like to have an ERP on your Commercial Building to ensure safety to anyone in the building, call SERVPRO today! We can send a representative to your location and get you started. The process of setting it up does not take long and is completely free. Call 304-755-9510 and ask us about setting up an ERP in your location!