It Wasn’t Raining When Noah Built the Arc
12/26/2019 (Permalink)

We truly hope you don’t have an emergency of Biblical proportions like ol Noah did, but unfortunately neither we, nor you control those types of disasters. We can however help you be prepared for the storms of life by preparing you an Emergency Ready Plan for your business. In some cases, as you will see, we can even help prevent a disaster by finding ongoing issues during our inspection of your properties.
A few weeks ago we did an Emergency Readiness Plan for a local insurance agency in Hurricane, WV. As we do these ERP we have to find all the shutoffs for the businesses as well as key areas for immediate response during an incident such as a fire, or water damage. Also during the initial inspections, we look for potential maintenance issues that may present a potential problem so we can point them out to the responsible party to get corrected. During this particular inspection, we noticed a small area of mold under the kitchen sink. When we started moving items out from under the cabinet we also noticed standing water on the floor of the cabinet. Upon further inspection, we found that the waterless hot water system had a small leak and was causing the initial issues, which by the way, was the perfect condition for mold to grow with the moisture, a food source and temperature all being present in the correct amounts.
This could have been a huge problem in two ways if this leak had not been discovered during our inspection. The first could have been a major water damage in the office if the pipe had busted completely and secondly, it had the potential of becoming an even more costly mold issue with serious health issues for the building occupants. Luckily we found the leak in time and the building owner was able to resolve the problem and all we had to do was mitigate a small area of mold.
So what are you waiting for? Call us today for your complimentary ERP so you can be prepared ahead of a disaster, or even cut a disaster off at the pass. Visit our ERP page at to check it out and give us a call to schedule yours at 304-755-9510.